Monday, July 14, 2008

Template Change

Yes, the blog looks completely different.

For some reason the background had gone black (?!) and I couldn't get rid of it. I could change the text to white, but the black background was too much for me.

So I changed the template and this is a cleaner, crisper look.

We'll get used to it, no doubt.

Hope it doesn't go black too!

Okay, fiddling about, I figured out how to change the background color, but they're color options are really limited! I want a creamy white, not this arctic white, but they don't do paint samples here, it's either white or quite strong pale yellow/blue/pink/green and that's it. I would have thought they could do more colors, clearly I'm from the 144 color pencil range (in fact, I could do with 32 different shades of white, you should have seen us pick paint for the walls!)

I like this lay out though, I like how the headings are clearer and more defined. We'll see how it goes.. maybe I'll start changing the template more often! (will say that it was ridiculously easy, so big point to blogger for that!)

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