Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Insights from the shower

I had a realization in the shower the other day - and where better to get clarity, with all that water sluicing off you, taking away dirt and sleep and making everything citrusy and fresh again (I'm a bit of a water fetishist)

Anyways, I had an insight - I don't multitask well. I'm more of a drill deep kind of girl. Even when I was PTA president and there was a lot on, things went in a linear fashion and didn't conflict with each other, and if there were conflicts, you could say, hey, there's something already in that spot, find another...

But now I'm in 4 distinct groups, none of which need to intersect, and all seem to be booking the same day for very important events, and I feel torn and discombobulated. I can't say, hey there's a conflict, change the date, as I am the only one with the conflict. Instead I have to make choices, and each one is a delicate weighing of scales, and leaves no one, least of all me, satisfied.

The thing that is easiest and quickest to jettison is personal life. I had the opportunity to go to London this w/e - DH is going for work, we could just sneak into his room and for the cost of a plane tix have a very pleasant stay, catch up with dearly beloved friends. But so many things are going on here, that I honestly felt I couldn't go, and in the end declined.

What sort of life is that, where you turn down trips to London to go to the Taste of Tribeca on Saturday (I'm a member of the Taste board and it's an event I sincerely love), and three other meetings on Thursday (board member for 2 of them, steering committee member for another), and one on Wednesday (community board member) It's really just ridiculous.

I have one husband, one child, and clearly can only take on one in depth commitment at a time...

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