Friday, January 30, 2009

It was seven years ago today

that we first landed in the USA...

It's our seven year anniversary of living in New York. Prior to that we had also lived in London for 8 years.

I have to say that I have made far better and deeper friends here than I ever did in London and feel more connected and part of this city. There's a vibrancy here, a sense that interesting people come out and try to bring out the best from themselves. Of course Manhattan is also a bitch goddess who makes you feel poor no matter how much you have (there are always those with so, so much more) and talentless (there are always those who are so, so much more talented) but there's a buzz, a sense of potential, of things happening, that you can dip into and let it carry you along.

So here's to a very happy seven years, with God only knows how many to follow....

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