Monday, October 31, 2011

Celebrity Marriages

Why am I irritated that Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce after 72 days of marriage? Because it debases the entire concept of marriage. Clearly the entire thing was a ratings game. Fine. But she has trivialized something meaningful.

When I read news like this, and then I hear people squawk against gay marriage, because it 'should only be between a man and a woman' I get cranky. If fools can spend ten million dollars on a ratings extravaganza, if reality shows can end with engineered marriages, then why can't people in committed relationships get married and share 401K's and bank accounts and children?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hit it on the mark. If hetro people can be trivial about marriage then why shouldn't gays be allowed to be serious about it? Let's just tell it like it is, to love another human is natural, to want to have sex with another human is natural, my attraction to the male form or female form is natural. So it is time for people to realize it is okay to be who you are, no matter what.