Thursday, March 4, 2010

jobs I couldn't do

I have 2 new television passions - I'm so enjoying the newish series The Good Wife, and I've fallen in love Johnny Weir in Be Good Johnny Weir. So in total 21st century obsessed fan mode, I've become fans of them both on Facebook (yes, it's true)

And then today they had a puff piece with the Costume Designer of The Good Wife and I thought, that is a job I just could not do. It is just totallly outside my skill set. The obsessive attention to detail and shopping all day every day to clothe other characters just makes me feel exhausted and a bit sad. And yet meeting strangers and talking to large groups - no problem. Everyone has their strengths...

Johnny Weir also designs his own costumes, and I love the drama of them. His aesthetics is a cut above what I see all the other ice skaters wearing. He says he wants to be a fashion designer when he finishes with ice skating, and I think he would produce amazing stuff.

Enjoying my teenage passions...

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